The Shaikan-2 well flowed at rates of 10,144 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and a stabilized flow rate of 8,064bopd of 26 degree API oil and 2.44mmscf/d of gas (Gas Oil Ratio of 302 scf/bbl) on a two-inch choke at a 250 psi flowing wellhead pressure.

However, the company says sustained rates of above 10,000 barrels a day can potentially be achievable, based on the experience of earlier wells Shaiken-1 and Shaiken-3.

The gravity of the oil from the Shaikan-2 well was 26 degrees API making it significantly lighter than the crude from the two other wells which are currently producing 18 degree API oil.

The Shaikan-2 well test was conducted in a 44m interval from 1792m in the upper section of the Jurassic age formation.

According to the company, normal drilling operations will recommence following this test and the company expects that further Shaikan-2 drilling will follow the Shaikan-1 geological sequence.

The company has a 75% working interest in the Shaikan block and is partnered with the MOL subsidiary, Kalegran, and Texas Keystone, which have the remaining 20% and 5% working interests respectively.