Altogether, the system generates over 331,000 kW of solar electricity in a year. This corresponds to the same amount of electricity consumed in a year by 90 households. More than 5,600 tons of the harmful greenhouse gas CO2 can be saved by operating the system over its 20-year life-span.
The crystalline Conergy PowerPlus modules installed on the roof were developed and produced entirely in Frankfurt (Oder). They are highly efficient and durable, even in demanding environmental conditions. The on-roof mounting system, which has been specially adapted to the roof conditions, along with the inverters and the control unit for monitoring the system were all supplied by the two Conergy subsidiary companies Mounting Systems and voltwerk electronics.
Mathias Kamolz, plant manager and managing director of Conergy emphasizes: “With our photovoltaic system, we are making an important statement for sustainable and environmentally friendly energy generation and climate protection in the region. We want to be a role model, making a greater contribution to establishing and using regenerative sources of energy.”