The repair phase of the project began on December 12, 2009. AECL says that non-destructive examination (NDE) of the most recent repair is nearing completion bringing the repair and associated NDE completed till date to 69%, up from the 65% reported last week.

Development work continues on the detailed repair procedures for the final repair site. Weld development activities are currently focused on trial welds using a combination of welded plate and weld build-up repairs designed to reduce stress on the vessel, the company said.

Activities related to the start-up phase of the NRU Return to Service project continue in parallel to the current repair activities.

It is estimated that NRU will resume isotope production by the end of July. AECL is working to return the NRU to service as quickly and safely as possible.

There is no threat to workers, the public, the environment or nuclear safety related to this event, the company added.