India’s state-owned petroleum refining company IndianOil has given approval for an INR 138bn ($1.8bn) integrated Para-Xylene (PX) and Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) complex in the Indian state, Odisha.

The PX-PTA facility in Paradip, Odisha, is scheduled to be completed by early 2024 and will be integrated with the company’s Paradip refinery, which has been operational since 2015.

The proposed petrochemicals plant will have approximately 800,000 tonnes of PX production capacity per year that will be the feedstock for production of PTA.

The complex will have PTA production capacity of 1,200,000 tonnes per annum.

PTA is a main raw material that is used to manufacture polyester fibre/yarn, PET bottles and polyester film used in packaging applications.

Currently, IndianOil’s MEG production facility is under implementation at Paradip and will become operational towards the end of 2021.

PTA and MEG combined are the main feedstocks for polyester manufacture and are the raw material for the production of polyester.

Additionally, the PTA and MEG availability at Paradip are expected to give a boost to polyester manufacturing facilities in the vicinity.

The PX-PTA project to create more than 2,000 employment opportunities

IndianOil chairman Shri SM Vaidya said: “This plant, along with the upcoming MEG (Mono-Ethylene Glycol) plant of 357-KTA (kilo tonnes per annum) capacity at Paradip, would be a ready source of feedstock for IndianOil’s upcoming 300-KTA textile yarn manufacturing project at Bhadrak in Odisha, and can similarly facilitate other textile and polyester projects in the region.”

The three-year construction period is expected create direct and indirect employment opportunities for more than 2,000 technically skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled manpower in the various areas of operations, maintenance of units and logistics for handling the product value chain.

In February this year, Rosneft Oil Company and IndianOil signed a contract to supply up to two million tonnes of oil to India.