NAEG’s license agreement, which represents an improvement over a prior 2007 agreement between the companies, covers the entire US, including Alaska and all Indian lands in the US and Alaska, and it applies to all wind turbine systems developed by Windaus.

Joseph D’Arrigo, CEO of NAEG, said: “I am aware that in August 2008, Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed more renewable energy in New York City, and so, we at NAEG are particularly pleased to have signed this license agreement with Windaus Energy. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship.

“As native New Yorkers, ourselves, we will certainly strive to be the ones to meet the Mayor’s proposals with regard to placing wind turbines on Manhattan rooftops. With the recent passage of the US stimulus bill and its various incentives for wind power, we can see ourselves undertaking to build our own wind power generation farms, perhaps in partnership with Native tribes from across the country, as well as off Indian lands.”

The Windaus wind turbines are vertical access turbines that come in various sizes to accommodate different applications, NAEG said.