The well was drilled with a 4,450ft lateral and stimulated with 11 frac stages. The well test was done on a 20/64 choke with 5,890 pounds of Flowing Casing Pressure (FCP) into a sales line with 975 pounds per square inch (PSI) of Line Pressure (LP).

The IP rate of the Blocker Heirs #20H is slightly higher than the reported IP of the Mia Austin #1H which had an IP rate of 14.1 MMCF/D on a 20/64 choke with 5,492 pounds of FCP.

However, the Blocker Heirs #20H was completed with 11 frac stages while the Mia Austin #1H was completed with 12 frac stages. The 5 1/2″ casing design facilitates the ability to reduce the number of stages and increase the number of perforations, thereby producing greater contact with the reservoir rock and increased transmissibility as evidenced by the higher FCP, the company said.

The company expects 30 day production rates and long term performance to be enhanced by the 5 1/2″ casing design.

This is the company’s second H/B horizontal completion using 5 1/2″ casing. The company expects to complete five more H/B horizontal wells in Q2 2010 for a total of seven for the quarter and nine year to date.

The next scheduled completions are the Verhalen D #3H and the Verhalen E #6H well. Additionally, the Blocker Ware #8H, the Mercer #11H and the Verhalen F #1H are expected to be completed and producing before the end of second quarter of 2010.