Earlier, 64 historic holes have been drilled with three holes of interest in the 0.10-0.50m% eU3O8 range.

The core objective of the drilling program, which will consist of approximately 45-50 holes totaling approximately 3500m, is to quantify additional resources and refine the geological model at San Miguel and Yuty as a whole.

The current data shows a significant number of historical holes at San Miguel that have found anomalous or better uranium mineralization.

San Miguel is located 5km northeast of San Antonio along the reduction-oxidation (redox) front, which hosts the uranium mineralization at San Antonio, San Miguel, Yarati-y, and Typychaty.

All four of these zones show high-priority target areas and all have historical drilling, which has intersected anomalous or better uranium mineralization.

The redox front appears to define a nearly continuous zone of potentially significant mineralization.

The San Antonio deposit consists of a current NI 43-101 compliant resource, Indicated, 9.0M tonnes @ 0.042% eU3O8 containing 8.3M lbs eU3O8 and an Inferred Resource of 1.1M tonnes @ 0.050% eU3O8 containing 1.2M lbs eU3O8.

Column leach tests have demonstrated recovery of up to 86% of the contained uranium from cores taken from San Antonio.