As part of the legislation, all UK utilities should install smart meters in residential and commercial locations by the end of 2020.

The SGM1300 IEC smart electricity meter has been designed to advance metering infrastructure for the utilities to meet the legislated smart metering initiative in the UK as well as to provide on-time, reliable and accurate billing information to their customers.

GE Digital Energy business meters general manager Ed Myszka said: "The U.K.’s smart metering legislation has mandated that utility and energy retail companies replace their legacy electricity and gas meters with new advanced smart meters which can greatly improve the reliability and efficiency of their network and provide real-time information to consumers.

"The implementation of GE’s SGM1300 smart meters across a utility’s service network can provide a wide range of benefits for both the utility and its customers."

Featuring LCD display with intuitive icons, the SGM1300 is available in single-phase and dual-element meter options and enables installers easily know when the meter is connected to the network and up and running on the system.

Additional features of the SGM1300 electricity smart meter include variety of anti-tampering features and secure communications solutions.