Highlights for First Quarter 2009

Entergy Nuclear earnings decreased primarily due to additional planned refueling outage days during the quarter, an impairment recognized on certain decommissioning trust fund investments, and a special item associated with the planned spin-off.

Utility, Parent & Other results were lower due to higher other taxes, depreciation and amortization expenses, and a special item related to the planned spin-off.

Entergy’s non-nuclear wholesale assets business results were essentially flat.

As-reported results are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and are comprised of operational earnings and special items. As-reported earnings in first quarter 2009 will include a special item at Entergy Nuclear for spin-off dis-synergies. Utility, Parent & Other results will include a special item for expenses for outside services provided during the quarter to pursue the non-utility nuclear spin-off.

Entergy Nuclear

The quarter-over-quarter decrease in operational earnings at Entergy Nuclear is attributed to lower revenue primarily resulting from two planned refueling outages commencing during the quarter at Indian Point 3 and Palisades totaling 30 days compared to seven refueling outage days at Indian Point 2 a year ago and an impairment recorded in the current period on certain decommissioning trust investments. Also contributing to the decrease was lower revenue amortization for the Palisades below-market Power Purchase Agreement, as well as higher operation and maintenance expense.

Utility, Parent & Other

Utility, Parent & Other operational results in first quarter 2009 were lower compared to earnings in first quarter 2008 due primarily to higher other taxes and depreciation and amortization expenses. Net revenue at the Utility was essentially flat, despite reporting lower sales volume. The effect of milder-than-normal weather in first quarter 2009 was roughly in line with the weather impact experienced in the same quarter last year.

Earnings Guidance

Entergy indicated that should the current economic climate and power prices on Entergy Nuclear’s open position persist for the balance of the year, earnings could approach the lower end of the ranges.