The assignment includes project management, basic and detail engineering and procurement services.

The construction of the new power plant will be completed in late 2020 and once in operation it will replace Toppila 1 unit. Capacity of the plant will be around 70 MW electricity and around 175 MW district heat with an option to supply steam to clients in the Laanila industrial area. The plant uses forest based biofuels, peat and solid recovered fuel (SRF) as fuels.

"Pöyry is delighted to support Oulun Energia Oy with this important project done by the municipal energy company recently. This assignment further strengthens Pöyry's position as the world leader in energy efficient thermal power and Pöyry's first ranking in the energy sector in Finland", says Ilkka Heikkilä, Pöyry's Regional Director for Thermal Power.

The value of the order is not disclosed. The order will be recognised within the Energy Business Group order stock in H1/2018.