As per the terms of the contract, Platinum Solutions will provide support services such as cyber security, network engineering, systems design and integration, enterprise architecture, enterprise systems support and help desk to operate the NETL facilities in various parts of US.

Laila Rossi, CEO and founder of Platinum Solutions, said: “NETL is at the forefront of developing exciting energy technologies that will help America better utilize our domestic resources of natural gas, coal, and oil, while protecting the environment with technologies such as carbon capture.”

NETL is a state-run national lab dedicated to energy research and development from domestic energy resources. NETL also analyzes energy systems for efficiency and optimization, and provides policymakers with information and energy technology guidance to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the US.

The Platinum Team includes trusted sub-contractors Ultra Electronics, ProLogic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ultra Electronics, Performance Results, and d3 Services.