The project is located in the southern Bowen basin in central Queensland to the west of Moura and immediately down dip from the Dawson mine operated by Anglo Coal Australia. The pre- feasibility study proposes an underground long wall mine, producing initially 3.5mtpa of coking coal product and then up to 7mtpa of coking coal product when the second longwall is installed.

The work that has been completed is based on exploration programs undertaken between May 2007 and February 2010, which included both drilling and 3D seismic work and the associated technical testing. In addition, a series of basic engineering studies have been undertaken to produce capital and operating cost estimates for the project.

Subject to both owner and statutory approvals and completion of the technical studies, construction of the mine could commence in 2014 with first coal mined in 2016. The first longwall is expected to be installed in 2017 followed by the second longwall in 2020.

The project is a member of the WICET consortium, which is the preferred proponent for the management of the Wiggins Island coal terminal. It is intended that the coal produced at the Belvedere project will be exported through this coal terminal.