We expect the European Union to send us the text that EU countries agreed on, Guler said.

We sent them (EU countries) the intergovernmental agreement and host government agreement. They sent their responses. However, we have discussed again and again things that we already agreed on. I sent a letter to avoid that. What I said was (just sign and send us, from one point of view, something that you agreed on), the energy minister added.

The EU now depends heavily on Russian natural gas carried via Ukrainian pipelines. 80% of gas bound for Europe travels through Ukraine.

Nabucco is planned to be other route to bring gas from Turkey to Austria through Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. It is also an alternative resource to the Russian supply. The pipeline would take gas from mostly Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz fields, in addition to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Iran. Building of the E3,300-kilometer pipeline is planned to commence in 2011 and first deliveries are expected in 2014. The project is likely to cost around EUR7.9 billion.

Turkey looks for 15% share from natural gas to be carried by the Nabucco pipeline.