The bid was won at a fixed price of Rs2.44/unit for 25 years. This win enhances our auction based order book to a sector leading 800MW.

Inox wind would be developing the SECI-3 project in the Kutch region in the state of Gujarat. The project would be executed over the next 12-15 months.

Inox Wind will supply, erect and commission its advanced 2MW Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) and will be responsible for the development, construction, commissioning and long-term operations and maintenance services for the project.

The company said: “We are confident of scaling up our auction-based order book as the government executes their target of achieving 10GW of wind power auctions in FY19 and FY20 each.

“Our inherent low-cost structure makes us one of the lowest cost producers of wind turbines globally. We would also highlight that our order book can be higher from the SECI-3 auction if we are selected by other winning IPPs as a WTG provider for their bids.

“We remain committed to execute these projects on a profitable basis meeting our company targets.”

Inox Wind CEO Kailash Tarachandani said: “This win in the SECI-3 auctions has boosted Inox Wind’s auction-based order book to a sector leading 800MW. This win reiterates our competitiveness and ensures that Inox Wind continues to play a key role in developing the Indian wind energy industry which is entering an exciting period of sustainable growth.

“We look forward to the upcoming auctions of 10GW each in FY19 and FY20 as shared by the Honourable Power Minister to achieve the 60GW wind power capacity goal by 2022 for the country.”