Valued at Rs.3590 Million, the contract has been placed on BHEL by NMDC Limited for setting up a Plant Power Distribution System Package for its three MTPA integrated Steel Plant, at Nagarnar in Chhattisgarh.
Significantly, this is the second package contract bagged by BHEL from NMDC Limited for the same Steel Plant, as the company is already executing a Raw Material Handling Package at the project.
With this, the customer has reposed confidence in BHEL’s proven technological excellence and capability to execute such projects. The present order envisages design, engineering, supply, erection and commissioning of the complete Power Distribution System on turnkey basis.
The system will supply power through 33kV GIS based substations to the shops of the integrated Steel Plant.
With over 35 years of experience in providing total solutions for large and complex projects, BHEL’s Industrial Systems Group (ISG), specializes in Bulk Material Handling like Coal and Ash Handling Systems for Thermal Power Plants, Raw Material Handling for Industry on Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) basis and Balance of Plant equipment for Hydro Projects.