Four ECO 110 Wind onshore turbines in Landes de Couesmé (France) ©Alstom

This is the first wind power project implemented by Alstom Poland.

As per the terms of the contract awarded by PGE Capital Group, Alstom will supply, install and commission 30 Alstom ECO 110 3MW wind turbines, equipped with a 110m diameter rotor, 90m high steel tower and a SCADA2 remote control system.

The wind farm will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Alstom wind business senior vice president Yves Rannou stated: "Alstom is proud to contribute to this project, thus confirming our involvement in the development of the wind power sector and the effort to build a sustainable energy mix in Poland."

The Lotnisko wind farm is considered to be the largest investment made by PGE Capital Group in the renewable energies field, aimed at achieving at least 234 MW of new power wind farms within 2014-2016.

PGE Capital Group has more than 300 MW power installed in wind energy.

Last month, Alstom won three major high voltage direct current (HVDC) contracts, totaling €800m, in South Korea, Canada and India.

The company was also awarded a contract by Energiselskapet Buskerud (EB) to repair and upgrade the existing generator at the 1x25MW Døvikfoss hydro power plant in Norway.

Image: Four ECO 110 wind onshore turbines in Landes de Couesmé (France). Photo: courtesy ALSTOM 2014