The company is set to begin trial mining at the project in October 2014.

Stellar Diamonds CEO Karl Smithson said: "Commissioning is underway to establish the optimal operating parameters for the 100tph plant, after which the first kimberlite ore will be processed.

"Our objective is to process a very large sample which will not only establish the diamond grades and values with high levels of confidence, but also determine the presence of any large stones for which the Aredor region of Guinea is world renowned."

Stripping of waste material and previously extracted kimberlite for stockpiling has commenced and the material will be used to test the plant to achieve operational efficiency.

Discovered in 1999, the Baoulé kimberlite pipe has undergone drilling and initial bulk sampling and a geological database shows that the pipe was delineated to five hectares in size and drilled to a depth of 190m, but remains open at depth.