It is estimated that the fuel cell and power plant will cut carbon emissions by up to 40% and generate GBP90,000 cost savings per annum. The hydrogen fuel cell, funded by the GBP25m TfL Climate Change fund, will provide electricity, heat and cooling to the building. In addition, the building’s hot water supply will be heated by the fuel cell.

At times of peak energy use, the building will generate a quarter of its own power, rising to 100% off-peak. The waste heat from power generation will be pumped into a unit on the roof, which will work to keep the building cool and supplement the building’s six electric chillers.

TfL and the LDA have also signed-up to 10:10 campaign to cut carbon emissions by 10% providing an estimated GBP400,000 in cash savings. TfL’s and the LDA’s commitment will apply from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011.

The 10% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from Palestra and other TfL head office buildings will be delivered through a range of initiatives, which will include installation of solar panels to heat water from cleaner, renewable energy, green roofs to boost insulation, help absorb rainwater and boost local ecology, replacement of 2,500 lights with energy-efficient parts including high-efficiency lamps.

Andrew Stanton, head of sustainable buildings at TfL, said: ”Installing the UK’s biggest in-house hydrogen fuel cell and signing up to the 10:10 commitment reinforces TfL’s commitment to cutting carbon and improving our energy efficiency. TfL will continue to drive forward program that will result in CO2 reductions and increased fuel efficiency.”

Emma Strain, head of energy efficiency at London Development Agency, said: ”The London Development Agency is pleased to sign up to the 10:10 campaign. We are spending GBR23m on climate change program over the next year to cut London’s carbon pollution and to help put London on track to meet the Mayor’s target of a 60% cut by 2025.

“The pledge to introduce carbon-cutting measures, including solar panels on the roof and a hydrogen fuel cell, was an important part of our decision to move to Palestra. We will be introducing other environmental measures to ensure we cut our carbon pollution by 10% including a focus on cutting waste and paper consumption and cutting energy use.”