Petrobras has revealed plans to install 11 new production platforms in the Brazilian pre-salt layer by 2027 and invest $64bn in exploration and production (E&P) activities as part of its Strategic Plan for 2023 to 2027.
According to the Brazilian state-owned oil and gas company, 67% of the investment will be dedicated to the pre-salt layer.
Six of the 11 planned new platforms will be deployed at the Búzios field, three will be at the Mero field, one at the Jubarte field, and one will be for the Albacora revitalisation project.
After taking into account the new projects added to the existing operational units, the company is projected to achieve a total daily production of 3.1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MMboed) in 2027.
Of this production, 2.4MMboed is estimated to be drawn from the pre-salt layer, representing 78% of the total production and Petrobras’ own share.
When it comes to the production operated by Petrobras and its partners, it is anticipated that the volume extracted from the pre-salt layer will hit the 3.6MMboe mark in 2027.
The company said that it will achieve 15 years of production from the Brazilian pre-salt this September.
Petrobras exploration and production officer Joelson Mendes said: “The 15 years of pre-salt production are the best evidence of a Brazil that works. It is a testament to the persistence and technical capabilities of the men and women who fought and did not give up in the face of the complex challenges they encountered.
“Our technical personnel contributed to the development of unprecedented technologies that made possible to produce in the pre-salt layer, together with our partners, driving the development of an entire market of highly specialised suppliers.”
Since December 2022, Petrobras has started production from two new pre-salt systems. These include the P-71 in the Itapu field and Almirante Barroso floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) platform in the Búzios field in the Santos Basin.
By the end of this year, the company is expected to begin operations of the FPSO Sepetiba, which will be the third unit at the Mero field. Sepetiba is designed to have a production capacity of up to 180,000 barrels per day (bpd).