Iberdrola has commissioned the 37.8-megawatt (MW) Askio II wind farm in Greece. Located in the provinces of Kozani and Eordaia, in the West Macedonia region of Greece, it joins the 50.4 MW Askio III project in full operation, which was completed in 2022. Total investment in both projects was close to € 100 million.

Askio II consists of nine Vestas V150 wind turbines, each with a 4.2 MW capacity, a hub height of 105 metres and a rotor diameter of 150 metres.

Both Askio projects are connected to the same grid point, with a combined annual production of around 180GWh anticipated.

In parallel, the company has also commissioned 18-MW Rokani wind farm located in the Viotia region, Central Greece. The facility is equipped with 3 Vestas V162 turbines of 6 MW unit capacity, the largest and most powerful wind turbines in operation in Greece, with 205 metres hub height.

Through technological innovation and greater efficiency, the company is committed to develop competitive renewable energy, which is essential to advance in the energy transition towards a decarbonised model and combat climate change.

Completion of the projects means that Iberdrola now has 421 MW of operational renewable energy capacity in Greece. The company has been present in the country since 2007, and now operates wind and solar projects in the regions of Central Greece, Crete, Thrace, Western Macedonia, Thessaly, Peloponnese and Dodecanese.

Both Askio projects have made significant financial contributions to local communities, with €2.2 million invested in new infrastructure, supporting local businesses. During the construction and operational phases of the wind farms Iberdrola has created 282 direct and indirect jobs, supporting local supply chains.

The Askio projects have been built in a mountainous region at an altitude of 1,500 metres above sea level. In order to navigate the narrow and steep roads, blade lifter technology was required. This involves a specialist trailer which can rotate and vertically tilt the blades during transport, ensuring the components could be moved along existing narrow roads, and avoiding the need for any additional construction work.