The reservoir qualities of the sand and shale rocks were below expectations and the find is probably not commercially viable. The purpose of the exploration well was to confirm the presence of petroleum in upper Triassic reservoir rocks in the Lunde formation.

Drilling of the exploration well is now concluded. No formation test was performed in the well, but data gathering and sampling were made. This is the 12th exploration well in production licence 057, which was awarded in the fourth licensing round in 1979.

The well was drilled to a vertical depth of 2,940mt below sea level and was completed in the lower part of the Lunde formation. Water depth in the area is 385mt.

The licensees in PL 057 are: Statoil (operator) (31.0%), Petoro (30%), RWE Dea Norge (24.5%), Idemitsu Petroleum Norge (9.6%) and Hess Norge (4.9%).

The exploration well 34/4-12 S was drilled by Ocean Vanguard, which will now drill exploration well 34/4-12 A in Snorre unit from the same rig position.