
The objective of the audit was to verify that the Snorre Expansion Project is being planned and designed in compliance with the company's own requirements and statutory regulations.


No non-conformities or improvement points were identified.


The background to the audit was the preparation of an impact assessment and plan for development and operation (PDO) for the Snorre field. The audit is also linked to the lifetime extension applications for Snorre A and Snorre B.

Snorre Expansion Project (SEP)

The Snorre Expansion Project (SEP) is a project to increase oil recovery from the Snorre field in the North Sea. The Snorre field comprises production licences PL057 and PL089. The field is in the Tampen area in the northern North Sea. The distance to the Statfjord and Gullfaks fields to the south is 25-30 km. Water depth is 300-380 metres. The nearest land (at Florø) is around 140 km distant.