The project will feature the construction of a normally unmanned platform together with corresponding subsea infrastructure, a first for BP Trinidad and Tobago. Fabrication is proposed to begin in 4th quarter, 2014.

The Juniper facility will take gas from the Corallita and Lantana fields located 50 miles off the south east coast of Trinidad in water-depth of approximately 360 feet. The development will include five subsea wells and will have a production capacity of approximately 590 million standard cubic feet a day (mmscfd). Gas from Juniper will flow to the Mahogany B hub via a new ten kilometer flowline.

Juniper will become bpTT’s 14th offshore production facility. Drilling is due to commence in 2015 and first gas from the facility is expected in 2017.

BPTT Regional President Norman Christie said: "Juniper demonstrates bpTT’s commitment to Trinidad and Tobago over the long-term. This development is an important part of the future for bpTT because it will assist the company in meeting its natural gas commitments to the market. It is also an important step change for bpTT as it introduces subsea infrastructure to continue the development of its resources in the Columbus Basin."