<p>The company said that the revenues generated by its international division were up 74.5% in Q1 2007 to E1.1 billion, which was offset by revenues from its domestic generation and energy management division and its domestic sales division, which were down 11.3% and 4.7%, respectively.<br /><br />In the period, Enel sold 43.1TWh of electricity, 35.4TWh of which was in Italy, with the remaining 7.7TWh sold abroad. The company&#0039;s electricity sales in Italy were down 5.6% but the company&#0039;s sales abroad were up a staggering 208%, which the company said was mainly due to its acquisition of RusEnergosbyt.<br /><br />In Enel&#0039;s gas operations, the company&#0039;s focus on small and medium enterprises increased its customer base by 6.4%, despite a decline in volumes sold from 2.1 billion cubic meters in the first three months of 2006, to 1.8 billion cubic meters in Q1 2007, a decline of 14.3% compared with a decrease in residential and commercial gas demand of more than 20%.<br /><br />Enel&#0039;s net electricity generation amounted to 31.6TWh in Q1 2007, of which 22.3TWh was in Italy and 9.3TWh was abroad. In Italy, Enel&#0039;s power plants generated 22% less power as a result of lower electricity demand and higher net imports, which were up 76.7%. <br /><br />Enel said that, looking forward, the company plans to consolidate its position in its domestic market so it can offer targeted service plans to retail customers in anticipation of the complete liberalization of the electricity market in Italy.</p>