Gaz de France said that the new structure is aimed at boosting the group’s commercial dynamism so that it can take advantage of energy market deregulation, giving a priority focus on growth in France and abroad, and enhancing the strategic and financial management of the group.

In addition, Gaz de France hopes that the strategy will enhance the group’s efficiency, responsiveness and overall performance, by guaranteeing a better cohesion between the different levels within the company.

This draft proposal for the organization, which will be discussed with employee representative bodies before being implemented, is based on the creation of a three-tier management structure. This will comprise of the group head, operating branches, and business units. The company hopes that this will provide both greater autonomy and a tighter reporting structure.

Gaz de France said that the group head, or central institution, will chiefly focus on corporate strategy, economic and financial management, development and acquisitions, and the cross-functional departments. Meanwhile, the business units will be responsible for the operating performance of the group’s business activities as part of the operating branches.

The company is also to establish five operating branches, which will each be responsible for implementing the group’s strategy and managing its business units, which will enjoy greater responsibilities and autonomy as a result.

The branches will be: global gas, which includes exploration and production, LNG, supply, sales and trading; infrastructures, which includes transmission, LNG terminals, storage and distribution; energy France, which covers the sales department and the production of electricity; as well as the international and services branches.