The statistics showed that the domestic coal output and export volumes to international markets increased steadily over 2013-14, despite weak commodity prices.
For the 11 months to 31 May 2014, coal exports from Newcastle increased by around 11% to 143 million tons.
Export volume to other major markets included Japan, South Korea and Taiwan at around 4%, 9%, and 15%.
NSW Minerals Council CEO Stephen Galilee said: "This growth in production and the volume of coal exported is a good sign for economic growth in NSW.
"The highly respected International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates global electricity demand could double between 2009 and 2035 as more people are able access electricity and household energy consumption grows in the developing world.
"And in it’s latest assessment the IEA says coal will meet more of the increase in global energy demand than oil or gas over the next five years."