Initially, the AGL Energy Services program will focus on providing solutions to clients in Georgia, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Tennessee and Virginia – states where AGL Resources operates natural gas distribution companies.

Donna Peeples, vice president of corporate communications and chief marketing officer at AGL Resources, said: “The AGL Energy Services program builds on our core competencies by capitalizing on our ability to deliver cost-effective solutions and by leveraging the strong reputation that our local natural gas distribution companies enjoy in the marketplace.”

The AGL Energy Services program will be headed by Michael Ellis. Prior to joining the company, Mr Ellis was president of Atlanta-based Global Energy Systems. Earlier, he served as chief operating officer at Jacoby Energy Development; regional director for ESG; and vice president and general manager at Southern Company Energy Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Company.

The company said that energy-service programs typically focus on devices that use energy, including lighting systems, water fixtures, controls, HVAC and boilers. Potential clients range from local government, state and federal government organizations – including the military – to industrials, schools and hospitals.

Mr Ellis said, “The AGL Energy Services program will provide clients with demand-side energy solutions that will help them to use energy more efficiently and to reach their sustainability goals, as well as supply-side solutions that will enable them to make greater use of efficient, environmentally friendly energy sources. Excess savings can then be used by customers to install additional equipment or invest in other needs.”