In addition, while net sales revenues amounted to E426.4 million in the first quarter of 2007, revenues from sales of supplementary and other merchandise amounted to E51.9 million, 18% above the figure achieved in the same period of 2006, Petrol said.

The company reported that, during the first three months of 2007, it sold 441,000 tonnes of refined petroleum products. Within this volume, the sales of motor gasoline and diesel fuel exceeded the level of sales achieved in the same period of 2006 by 17%.

Nevertheless, the company sold 42% less heating oil extra light in Q1 2007 over the same period in 2006, due to the mild winter. As a result, Petrol’s overall refined petroleum products sales decreased by 7% over Q1 2006.

Petrol also reported that, during this period, its Ljubljana operations generated net sales revenues of E393.2 million, with net profit up 72% over the same period of 2006 to E6.8 million.

Petrol revealed that, as of the end of the first three months of 2007, the company operates 364 service stations: 305 in Slovenia, 36 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 21 in Croatia and two in Serbia.