Surge Battery Metals Inc. (the “Company” or “Surge”) (TSXV: NILI, OTC: NILIF, FRA: DJ5C) today announced that it has received approval of the Nevada North Exploration Plan of Operations (“EPoO”) from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”).
This is a significant permitting milestone for the Nevada North Lithium Project (NNLP) and expands the amount of disturbance allowed for exploration drilling and other activities to 250 acres, from the 5 acres allowed under the current permitting. The BLM announced the decision by posting a positive Record of Decision (ROD) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) regarding the Exploration Plan of Operations.
Key Highlights:
- The EPoO will allow for up to 250 acres of combined surface disturbance to be undertaken within the EPoO boundary compared to the 5 acres allowed under current permitting
- This decision will allow the construction of new roads, cross-country trails and drill pads.
- Exploration activities will include:
- Mineral exploration activities, exploration/resource infill drilling and condemnation drilling.
- Metallurgical characterization and testing via bulk sampling and test pitting and/or a large diameter drill core program.
- Hydrogeologic investigations to support baseline characterization including installation of groundwater test and monitoring wells, an exploration water supply well, Vibrating Wire Piezometers (VWPs), and surface water instrumentation.
- Geotechnical investigations, including drilling and related sampling, bulk sampling of excavations, and test pits.
- Expansion of geophysical surveys.
- Infiltration testing via soil borings and test pitting.
- Surge is committed to implementing environmental protection measures while performing exploration activities with a focus on reducing or eliminating potential environmental impacts.
- Reclamation activities will be conducted concurrently with exploration activities when portions of the disturbed areas are no longer needed. Surge will begin reclamation within inactive exploration areas at the earliest practicable time.
- An appropriate bond will be posted to ensure the completion of site reclamation.
Mr. Greg Reimer, Chief Executive Officer and Director, commented “We are obviously very pleased with the decision of the BLM approving our EPoO permit application for the NNLP and want to thank the BLM for the many months of work in getting to this decision. We have developed our spring/summer drill plan for 2025 and are looking forward to the drilling season and updating our Mineral Resource Estimate later in Q4 2025.”