Under the deal, Poyry will build new 380/110/30kV switchgears at Kaprun substation, located near Zell am See, province of Salzburg.

The company will supply the equipment and provide detailed design engineering, project management and installation services.

The project, which is due to commence in August 2014, is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

The development offers the direct integration into the 380kV transmission grid with a 380kV gas-insulated switchgear (GIS), two 380/110kV power transformers and a 380kV interconnection towards Tauern substation.

The third and fourth units of Kaprun pump storage power plant, owned by Verbund Hydro Power, will be connected to the new 380kV level.

The project also includes the partial upgrading and modernisation of the current 110kV switchgear as well as the modernisation of the local 16kV distribution grid coupling.

Poyry transmission and distribution global competence line vice president Phillip Norman said: "Pöyry’s comprehensive offering for the power transmission and distribution sector in Europe underlines the company’s commitment to supporting its clients with the challenges of a changing power sector."