The Cape Wind project has been under review by CZM and other agencies for over seven years. Cape Wind officials expect to complete the permitting process by spring, 2009.

Cape Wind President Jim Gordon stated, “We are pleased that the state agency, designated to review the wind farm in federal waters, has found the project consistent with the policies and goals of Massachusetts.” Gordon went on to say, “This brings us one important step closer to making Massachusetts a leader in offshore renewable technology and bringing needed jobs and energy security to the region.”

CZM’s finding stated, “Based on our review, all aspects of the project, including those project elements located in federal waters, and the project’s effects on resources and uses in the Massachusetts coastal zone, we concur with your certification that the activity as proposed is consistent with the CZM enforceable program policies.” Those policies include consideration of alternative sites, encouragement of renewable energy use, protection of coastal resources, ensuring safe and continuing public access and reduced impacts on public recreation.