The Byerwen Coal mine, which will be an open-cut coal mine, is expected to support the region with around 350 jobs during construction and up to 545 jobs when it reaches full production.

It is capable of supplying up to 10 million tons of coking and thermal coal each year to Asian steel mills.

State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Deputy Premier and Minister Jeff Seeney said the Coordinator General’s approval is subject to 122 conditions to responsibly manage the impacts of the project.

"The Coordinator General has set strict conditions to protect groundwater resources, surface water quality and fauna, as well as controls on air quality, dust and noise," Seeney said.

The Commonwealth Environment minister will oversee the report for a decision on issues related to the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act under the assessment bilateral agreement.

The Byerwen Coal mine is a joint venture of QCoal and Japanese firm JFE Steel.