“I welcome the support for these important projects which will assist in maintaining Australia’s position at the forefront of research and development in this field,” said The Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson. “Australia has the potential to be a world-leader in the development of solar energy, which presents significant environmental and economic opportunities.”

“The ASI’s work is an important part of the Australian Government’s renewable energy strategy and will play a significant part in improving solar industry capacity and accelerating the development of solar technologies which could assist in meeting the Government’s renewable energy target of 20 per cent by 2020.”

“I would like to thank the ASI Board for the expeditious and professional approach to selecting these projects and I note the ASI Board is likely to announce further project funding next year.”

The ASI is a AUD100 million initiative and is part of the Government’s AUD4.5 billion Clean Energy Initiative (CEI), which includes the Solar Flagships program. The CEI will complement the proposed carbon pollution reduction scheme and the expanded renewable energy target by supporting the research, development and demonstration of low-emission energy technologies, including solar energy, that will help transform Australia into a low-carbon economy.