Drilled to a depth of 3,030m, the well encountered three zones of interest of more than 1,000m, within which tests were undertaken.

Africa Oil CEO Keith Hill said there is a great need for power in Kenya and also the potential for downdip oil and additional prospects on trend.

"We have a number of leads along this basin bounding fault and additional seismic data is being considered," Hill said.

"We continue to have a very active exploration and appraisal programme in both Kenya and Ethiopia, and have made significant progress in moving the South Turkana pipeline and development programme forward in cooperation with the Kenyan Government."

Africa Oil is the operator of Block 9 and has a 50% stake, with Marathon Oil holding the other 50%.

Additionally, Africa Oil is planning to drill an appraisal well on the crest of the Bogal structure to identify the large potential gas discovery, which has closure over a 200km² area.