According to the company, the program is available to customers who are at or below 175% of the federal poverty guideline, are not enrolled in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan and who use less than 90,000 cubic feet of natural gas annually.

In addition, the first 10,000 natural gas customers to enroll will receive a monthly credit of $4 to partially offset increases in the monthly fixed charges for natural gas service approved in May 2008 by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
Duke Energy Ohio will evaluate the pilot program after the first year and will consult with parties in the natural gas rate proceeding to determine whether to extend the program.

Julie Janson, president of Duke Energy Ohio, said: “Although we reduced our usage-based charges to offset higher fixed charges, we understand that low-income, low-use customers are experiencing a burden from this change. This program helps lighten the impact while encouraging these customers to continue their conservation efforts.”

Duke Energy, an electric power company in the United States, supplies and delivers electricity and natural gas service. The company has approximately 35,000 net megawatts of electric generating capacity in the Midwest and the Carolinas, and natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky, claims the company.