According to the company, the farm, situated approximately 25km northwest of Randers in East Jutland, has a capacity of 63MW and will be able to produce electricity equivalent to the annual power consumption of about 35,000 households.
The first stage of Overgard wind farm was completed in 2002-2003 and comprises 20 turbines, each generating 2MW. The second stage, which is opened now, comprises 10 turbines generating 2.3MW each, said Dong.
The construction of the 10 new turbines has reportedly resulted in a tidy-up of the East Jutland landscape. Dong Energy said that 35 older turbines around the region have thus been salvaged, and their production capacity has been compensated for by the 10 new turbines at the Overgard wind farm.
Due to an increase in generator size and longer blades, the 10 new turbines will produce as much power as the 20 old ones. The longer blades entail that the new wind turbines are 127m high compared to the older turbine height of 106m.
Dong Energy and Wind Estate each own five of the 10 new turbines, while Dong Energy owns eight of the 20 older turbines.