The four-week program will include the collection of around 400 bulk till samples to identify kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM) trains within the 33,000 hectare property.

Being conducted with Stornoway Diamond under a joint venture arrangement, the 2014 Pikoo exploration program has been designed to better define KIM anomalies and will come close to doubling the till samples within the property.

Selected potential kimberlite targets will be evaluated through sampling.

Sampling will also provide detailed coverage of the eastern portion of the property where positive till samples are reported to be located; however, the current sample density is inadequate to define individual KIM trains, North Arrow Minerals said.

The till samples are planned to be processed through July and August and results will used to plan follow up exploration, potentially including drilling, in 2014 and 2015.

Exploration of the Pikoo Project in 2013 discovered a new diamondiferous kimberlite district in Canada. Initial drilling on the property yielded kimberlite in nine of ten drill holes.