Expected to generate 4,556,000kWh annually which would be enough to power 300 residences, the Colleton solar farm uses 10,010 Canadian Solar CS6X-300P Max Power modules for producing a 2.5MW (AC) output capability.

Intertech Group senior vice-president Grant Reeves said that the solar farm will provide extensive data on its performance to help in future solar designs while enabling the utilities to gain operational experience.

"We are pleased to report everything has performed as expected since we brought the Colleton Solar Farm online. Canadian Solar met our expedited schedule while ensuring the high quality and reliability that led us to originally select the company," Reeves added.

Canadian Solar chairman and chief executive officer Dr Shawn Qu said that the, "This was great project from the design, which optimized space, best practices and both fixed-tilt and single axis tracking panels, through the accelerated construction schedule."