Alstom said the digital substation solution offers ease of configuration, maximised reliability and availability, and superior presentation of data to operators.
The project is part of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) PETROBOSCAN’s production plans to increase the availability of power to the new oil campus, which is located south of Maracaibo.
The move will enable PDVSA to achieve its goal of increasing crude oil production in the Boscán Field to about 127,000 barrels per day by 2016 from 107,000 barrels per day.
Alstom said the IEC 61850 compliant full digital substation offers protection and monitoring functions, ensuring increased real-time communication efficiency within the substation.
The company’s team in Mexico will deploy the substation automation system while site tests are anticipated to commence in mid-2015.
Alstom president Santiago Ulloa said, "This contract represents a first in South America, establishing Alstom’s expertise in digital substation technology across two countries: Venezuela and México."