The group, which represents the region’s experienced offshore renewables supply chain, also believes that these new projects are the perfect opportunity for wind farm developers to better utilise UK suppliers.

Five offshore wind farms were among eight renewables projects announced by the Government today (23/4/14), which will receive financial support through investment contracts, which are an early form of the new ‘contracts for difference’ that offer low carbon generators a guaranteed price for their electricity.

The projects include Dong Energy’s 250MW Burbo Bank Extension in Liverpool Bay, Statoil/Statkraft’s 400MW Dudgeon project off the coast of Norfolk, a consortium-backed 1.2GW wind farm off the coast of Yorkshire, Dong Energy’s 600MW extension off the coast of Cumbria and the 664MW Beatrice wind farm in the Outer Moray Firth in Scotland.

Joanne Leng MBE, Deputy Chair of Energi Coast, said: "This is a major step in the right direction of the UK offshore wind industry, which sends a clear signal to international developers that the ideal financial environment is being created for the creation of offshore wind projects in British waters.

"In addition, these five new projects provide the perfect opportunity for their developers to enhance their utilisation of the UK supply chain. Greater levels of UK content in the development of British offshore wind farms will help support our world-renowned engineering industry and thousands of jobs.

"In the North East of England in particular there is a strong cluster of companies that have developed considerable expertise in the sector becoming viable supply chain solutions for operators based on quality, innovation and skills. These companies, including those in the Energi Coast Steering Group, employ several thousand people and are primed to serve these new projects."