As per the contract, ABPmer will work with Environmental Resources Management (ERM) to provide the East Anglia offshore windfarm developers, Vattenfall and Scottish Power Renewables, with Zonal Environmental Assessment (ZEA) advice relating to their 6,000sq km development area off the Norfolk coast, as well as the related project area Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The EIA will form part of the first planning application and cover all environmental effects that should be taken account in reaching a planning decision, while ZEA will identify engineering constraints and design for projects within the zone.

ABPmer’s managing director Bill Cooper said that the company is delighted to be supporting a further major Round 3 study.

“We trust our continued pursuit of innovation and strategic research initiatives, such as the latest COWRIE report ‘A Further Review of Sediment Monitoring Data’, and our expanding metocean services we now embrace through, will add value to these studies,” Cooper said.

ABPmer has also supported the majority of Round 1, Round 2 projects and initial assessments for Round 3 offshore wind farms.