The company had drilled Pecan-1 exploration well situated in the Deepwater Tano/ Cape Three Points license to a total depth of 15,420ft and intersected 8,245 net feet of oil pay in two separate Turonian intervals.

Hess undertook a program to acquire data from the well,including wireline logs and mobile data terminals following which the well was sidetracked to get bypass cores and is now being suspended.

Ghana National Petroleum Corporation owns 10% interest in the block, while Hess owns the remaining 90% interest in it.

Pecan-1 discovery is the fifth discovery the company made on the block.

The other discoveries were – Almond with 53 net feet oil pay, Beech with 146 net feet oil pay, Hickory North with 98 net feet gas condensate pay, and Paradise with 120 net feet oil pay and 295 net feet gas condensate pay.