The company has intersected substantial widths of high-grade flake graphite in trenches at Dedza Mountain East (DME) prospect, within its 100%-owned Central Malawi Graphite Project (CMGP).

Additionally, the company discovered large discrete zone of graphite mineralization, mapping over 20km strike length at the Dedza Mountain West (DMW) prospect.

Currently, trenching program of 500m is underway at the prospect while the results are expected to be reported in the June Quarter.

A total of four significant flake graphite prospects with substantial widths and high grades of flake graphite were discovered in trenching and/or drilling.

Trenching is underway at DMW and DME and while the company collecting metallurgical samples from DME to determine whether DME exhibits similar higher than standard percentages of the higher value Extra Large Flake Graphite in concentrate identified in the previous Duwi Project metallurgical test work.