The 246,643ha property is claimed to be the largest individual property proximal to Fission Uranium’s Patterson Lake South (PLS) high-grade uranium discovery and the recent discovery made by NexGen Energy on the Rook one project.
During the exploration program, approximately 2,000m of drilling by way of ten to 15 holes with depths of 100m to 250m will be completed at the Swoosh, CHA and Fin South areas.
The focus of the work during the drill campaign will be on the Swoosh target, where five separate drill pads will test a combination of EM conductors, complex structures, gravity lows, anomalous geochemistry and elevated radon values.
Skyharbour Resources president and CEO Jordan Trimble said that the start of Skyharbour’s first diamond drill program at Preston marks a key milestone for Skyharbour and the Syndicate.
"The findings from the extensive fieldwork carried out to date have greatly exceeded our expectations and have vectored in on fifteen high-priority areas with similar geological features and exploratory indicators as those at the nearby PLS and NexGen discoveries," Trimble added.
"The three targets we are initially drill testing provide strong discovery potential as we continue to value-add the project using a systemic and proven exploration methodology."