The company said coal production increased to 20.8 million tonnes from 19.8 million tonnes in 2011 due to increased mining at Yakutugol Holding Company’s Neryungrinsky Open Pit mine.

The sale of steam coal, however, declined by 11% to 4.5 million tons in 2012, compared to 5 million tons in 2011. Coking coal concentrate sales reduced by 3% to 9 million tons this year from 9.3 million tonnes during the same period last year.

Mechel CEO Evgeny Mikhel said that the group’s production results demonstrated stability in key business areas.

"Consistent with our previously- announced plans, Mechel continues to increase coal mining volumes, growing them by 5% in this year’s first nine months as compared to the same period last year.

"As a part of the company’s steam coal was processed into PCI, steam coal sales decreased by 11%.

"Iron ore concentrate supplied to the Group’s enterprises decreased by 80% due to a change in Korshunov Mining Plant’s sales structure, as most of the plant’s products are currently sold to China," he added.