The company is developing the program for Statoil and is expected to take over three years for the final product to be unveiled.

The Total Uncertainty Management Program using Emerson’s history matching and uncertainty estimation software, Roxar ENABLE, will help E&P companies access to history matching and uncertainty management & quantification across the entire reservoir characterization workflow and gain accurate and realistic production data.

The team will combine Emerson’s Roxar ENABLE with its uncertainty management capabilities software, Roxar RMS reservoir modeling software, to develop commercial software applications that will aid E&P companies to make better decisions, quantify uncertainty effects on volumes and cumulative production and improve their risk management.

Emerson’s Roxar software solutions managing director Kjetil Fagervik said, "Whether it be as input to field development and operational plans, investment proposals, or a future divestment, the ability to accurately generate future production estimates, quantify uncertainty, and minimize financial risk is one of the industry’s greatest challenges."

The Total Uncertainty Management Program will include making improvements to the proxy history matching technique based on
Statoil’s research and field trials and implement Statoil’s Ensemble Kalman Filter history matching and uncertainty technique to handle production effects seen on 4D seismic.

The program will also focus on integrating workflows between geological modelling, simulation, and history matching and maximizing the usage of cluster and cloud computing within history matching and uncertainty management for high volume and integrated workflows.