Carried out from 15 September to 16 November 2013, the Phase II triple tube HQ core drilling results confirm the continuity of the mineralized lenses within the pit defined in the preliminary economic assessment study report (PEA Pit) with some intersections thicker and containing higher grade than the surrounding previous holes.

In addition, the results confirm the extension of a lower mineralized lens outside the PEA Pit with several high-grade intercepts.

The drill hole Joy 13-168 intersected 69m of enriched iron mineralization with an average of 65.42% Total Iron (Fe), drill hole Joy 13-156 intersected 31.7m of enriched iron mineralization with an average of 63.6% Tfe, while 15m drill hole Joy 13-15 and 13.8m drill hole Joy 13-15 returned an average of 66.12% Tfe, and 65.1% Tfe, respectively.

Century president and CEO Sandy Chim said the phase II drilling results demonstrates that the Joyce Lake deposit has the potential to become a larger high-grade DSO deposit than estimated in the last NI 43-101 resource calculation.

”The Phase II results, together with those of Phase I, will be used in an updated NI 43-101 resource estimate which is expected to be larger with higher categories than the last estimate, and to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2014," Chim added.

The positive results from Phase I of the drilling program, conducted between March and July 2013, were released in October of the same year.