The well was drilled 3.1km to the east and downdip of the Atrush-1 discovery well to a planned total depth of 1,750m on the Atrush block which is co-operated by General Exploration Partners (GEP) with and Marathon Oil KDV with 80% and 20% working interest respectively.

During the planned drill program the company found the targetted Jurassic Barsarin-Sargelu-Alan-Mus (BSAM) reservoir oil down to at 97m deeper than the ones it intersected in AT-1 well.

ShaMaran conducted cased hole drill stem tests over three formations in the BSAM reservoir and achieved a total of 42,212 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

The company also found oil bearing reservoir intervals within the Jurassic Adaiyah and the upper part of the Butmah formation.

ShaMaran president and CEO Pradeep Kabra said the Atrush 2 well results prove the production capability of the BSAM reservoir and the potential of the Butmah and Adaiyah..

"We commend the operator GEP on the outstanding job done by them during the drilling and testing of the well and look forward to continuing our work with the Kurdistan Regional Government to appraise and develop this world class discovery," Kabra added.

The Butmah formation’s highly fractured upper part produced about 1,450 barrels of fluid per day under nitrogen lift and started producing 100% 9 degree API oil towards the end of the test.

The reservoir zone within the Adaiyah anhydrite flowed up to 650 bopd of 11 degree API of dry oil.