The $546m coal plant, which will use the circulating fluidized-bed technology, is being built by Therma South, a unit of Aboitiz Power.

Aboitiz Power vice president for Mindanao Affairs Bobby Orig told the press that the firm hopes to complete the first 150MW unit of the plant by the last quarter of 2014 and the other 150MW unit by 2015.

"As of now, we’re not talking of expansion. The one we’re building is up to 300 MW but the place can be expanded to add another 300 MW," Orig added.

Currently, the firm is negotiating with electric cooperatives for supply contracts of the Davao coal plant located in Barangay Binugao.

"It’s going to be marketed, but we don’t foresee any problem marketing it because of the severe lack of power in Mindanao," Orig said.