The 45,000 Mk10A meters supplied under the contract will support the rollout of smart electricity meters for commercial, industrial and residential Low Voltage (LV) customers in Greece.
The integration of smart meters with Telemetry software is expected to provide an advanced metering infrastructure solution, eliminating the requirement for onsite meter reading visits, increasing power network quality, monitoring load conditions and will offer customers daily information on their consumption at 15 minute intervals.
The smart meter deployment contract was awarded to the Intracom group of companies by HEDNO, a subsidiary of Public Power Cooperation that owns and operates the distribution network of electrical energy in Greece.
Intracom Telecom general manager Chris Kontellis said, "Working with our client, HEDNO, we selected the EDMI Mk10A meter as it’s the only meter in the marketplace that has the capability to fulfil all of our requirements."
EDMI Europe general manager David Stroud said the contract further emphasizes the company’s strength in providing technologically advanced smart meters.
”Such a forward-thinking project in a new market will only continue to elevate the importance of smart meters for other countries around the world," Stroud added.
The smart metering deployment is expected to enable HEDNO to offer advanced charging scenarios to its customers and will allow for the ability to rationalist and optimist energy generation.
Image: meter/device based on GSM/GPRS communication technology: Photo: Courtesy of EDMI.